Harlow Business and Community Together
Rainbow Services has entered into a partnership with Harlow and District Chamber of Commerce to deliver a new project which will facilitate a more structured approach to Corporate Social Responsibility and to create a better pipeline for business involvement and volunteering opportunities with the wider Voluntary Sector and local community. Initial funds have been secured from Essex Community Foundation with a top up from Harlow District Council to turn this ambition into a reality!
This is a unique and timely opportunity to create a completely different approach and for the creation of a more productive and longer term relationship with the business community. One which is mutually beneficial between the sectors. Over the past few months Kate Greer, our Business Engagement Officer, has been working alongside Sharon Summerfield from the Prince of Wales charity Business in the Community and have visited many local charities and businesses to discuss their requirements and to find out the ways the project could benefit them.
Many charities in Harlow are looking for trustees and it is often hard for charities to find a diverse mix. We are really interested in finding younger trustees who have skills they can use in the role, and we would love to see businesses supporting this by allowing time off for employees to attend meetings (usually just couple of hours each month/quarter). In return, the business will be developing their employee, who will be learning essential leadership and management skills, which they will then bring back to the business.
In addition to trustee vacancies there are volunteering opportunities in areas such as finance, marketing, web maintenance and design and local conservation work. As well as being involved in social events, guest speaking or to offer meeting spaces.
There are a few new and exciting projects coming up over the next few months and if you are interested in finding out more about the project, would like to discuss opportunities at your organisation, or would like to be kept up to date with local opportunities for employee volunteering please feel free to email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or phone: 07598 530 305 or contact through Twitter: @harlowbuscom
The latest list of opportunities can be seen here